Ableton 8 !!!!!!!

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il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34653 par lawrencium
Ableton 8 !!!!!!! a été créé par lawrencium
Yes coming soon my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read it!!!

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1. New in Ableton Live 8
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* New groove engine
Groove patterns can add life and swing to straight sequences. Live 8's new groove engine lets Live users apply groove patterns in real time, extract grooves from audio or MIDI sources, and uantize audio and MIDI in real time. It also comes with a new groove library.

* New warping engine
Live 8 introduces a new, more direct way of working with warping and some important Warp Mode enhancements. Live users can now warp audio events by adjusting the events on the timeline (instead of stretching and squeezing the timeline around the events). Beats Mode has been updated, there's a completely new Complex Warp Mode and it's now possible to slice audio files to MIDI tracks based on transients.

* Looper
A much-requested feature, the Ableton Looper effect is classic sound-on-sound looping without the limitations of a hardware device. Looper is set up for remote operation, so it's possible to record, overdub and more without touching the computer. Live automatically syncs tempo to the loops played ("first loop sync"), and managing loops is a matter of simple drag and drop.

* New effects
Live 8 includes five powerful new effects, each with a strong personality and serious "classic" potential: Vocoder, Multiband Dynamics, Overdrive, Limiter and Frequency Shifter. These effects obviously contain all the well-known aspects of these devices, but they really shine due to some innovative new features and enhancements from the Ableton labs. These are effects that are not only practical and easy to use but also inspiring.

* Workflow enhancements
Version 8 makes Live easier with a number of most-wanted enhancements and some deceptively simple detail work. These include real-time crossfades in the Arrangement View, enhanced MIDI editing, group tracks, multiple track selection, a screen magnifier and more.

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2. New in Ableton Suite 8
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* World-class sound library
Ableton Suite 8's library completely surpasses everything that Ableton has ever offered before. With the hard-working creative professional in mind, Ableton has put together a well-balanced and comprehensive tool set, including synthesis, real-world "Sound Objects," presets, grooves, templates and, above all, a wide-ranging set of beautiful sounds. No need to be quiet in this library.

* Collision and Corpus
Collision is a unique instrument for authentic mallet sounds and creative percussion. Co-developed with AAS, it uses physical modeling technology to reproduce real-world instruments such as xylophones, marimbas and glockenspiels, but also provides enough depth to create truly dramatic new instruments and sounds. Corpus, a separate effect that reproduces Collision's resonator section, widens the scope even further, giving you a far-reaching sonic continuum from authentic real-world sounds to exotic, experimental effects.

* Latin Percussion
Latin Percussion is a collection of acoustic percussion instruments such as congas, bongos, timbales, claves, shakers, tambourines and bells from the worlds of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and African music. It includes a wide selection of clips and grooves, so you don't only get the drums, you also get the drummer. The package contains over 1GB of carefully sampled percussion instruments, 8 multi-articulation kits, 32 individual instrument groups, 50 clips of patterns and phrases, and a set of Latin grooves. The instruments feature realistic articulations, detailed velocity layers and additional features to ensure playability and stress-free integration with your hardware. Latin Percussion was produced in association with E-Instruments.

* More Operator: more power
Operator, Ableton's renowned do-it-all synthesizer, has been given a major overhaul. We opened up the hood, took a long hard look inside and did some serious hot-rod stuff. New filter types, more modulation routing options and additive wavetable synthesis with drawable partials make Operator more powerful and flexible than ever.

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3. Great expectations: the Ableton agenda for 2009
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* Share: effortless remote collaboration
Share Live Sets with others via the Web using this special feature in Live 8. Ableton's simple and intelligent solution for online musical collaboration streamlines the sharing process with easy sharing and loading, a simple system of setting access permission, speedy transfers and no issues with external plug-ins and instruments.

* Extend: Max for Live
Max for Live is a new product that puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. With Max for Live, it's possible to create completely new instruments, effects and extensions that go beyond the common and predictable and transcend the limits that conventional tools impose. The possibilities are virtually endless, from completely unique synths and effects, algorithmic composition tools or radical, new music machines fusing Live and controller hardware. Max for Live is a chance to join a society of makers and share ingenuity.

Max for Live is a joint development project by Ableton and Cycling '74.

* Touch: dedicated controllers for Ableton Live
Ableton and Akai Professional are proud to announce the APC40, a new hardware controller specially designed for Ableton Live. The APC40 features high quality controls for real-time mixing, remixing and production. 109 buttons, 16 endless encoders with LED rings, nine 45mm faders and a replaceable crossfader give musicians and producers complete control of Live's Session View, effect devices and virtual instruments. For anyone in the studio or on stage, DJing, making beats, running backing tracks, firing MIDI loops or triggering sound effects, it's time to kiss the mouse goodbye.


These three initiatives combine in interesting ways:

Live 8 + Max for Live: Swap extensions, effects and instruments created with Max for Live using the sharing technology in Live 8. So Max for Live owners also get access to any number of additional instruments, effects and extensions created by the Max for Live community.

Live 8 + Max for Live + APC40: With Max for Live, it's possible to customize the APC40; to turn its Clip Launch Matrix into a step sequencer, for instance. Live 8's sharing features allow users to share APC40 mods with other APC40 users. And because communication is two-way, this also means access to all the other shared APC40 goodies that the Ableton community has to offer.

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4. Pricing and availability
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Ableton Live 8 and Ableton Suite 8 should be available in Q2 2009, following extensive testing and bugfixing. A public beta version of these products will be available soon.

Prices for Ableton Suite 8 start at EUR 549/USD 699 (download version).
Prices for Ableton Live 8 start at EUR 349/USD 449 (download version).

Upgrades to Live 8/Suite 8 vary in price, depending on the Ableton products you already own. To see your upgrade prices, visit:

Collision and Latin Percussion will be available individually or as part of Ableton Suite 8. Both instruments will be available with the Live 8 release. Collision will cost EUR 129/USD 159, Latin Percussion EUR 79/USD 99.

Max for Live will be available later this year. Max for Live is a separate product: it is not part of Ableton Live 8 or Ableton Suite 8. No price available yet.

Beta testing for the remote collaboration features is expected to start before the end of the first quarter of 2009. Pricing information is currently unavailable.

For more information on pricing and availability of the APC40, visit:

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5. Can't wait for 8?
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Customers who buy Ableton Live 7 now enjoy special discounts, get Operator and Drum Machines for free and save on the price of the upgrade to Live 8.

Customers who buy Ableton Suite also benefit from discounted prices and get a free downloadable upgrade to Suite 8 as soon as it is released.

This offer is valid until March 31st 2009. More details at:


2009 is going to be an exciting year. More news in the next Ableton newsletter.

All the best from Berlin,

Un breton ne meurt pas. Il se suicide.

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Plus d'informations
il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34656 par darkside
Réponse de darkside sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!


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il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34658 par lawrencium
Réponse de lawrencium sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
hihi ca pete hein!! j'espere qu'il aurront egalement amelioré le traitement du son en sortie afin que j'evite de me faire chier avec nuendo (hein eddy!!!) :pppp

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il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34677 par darkside
Réponse de darkside sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
Haaaaaa Edy et etait encore hier en train d'essayer de me convertir!!!:laugh:


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il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34714 par sick
Réponse de sick sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
il a pas tord c'est la classe

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il y a 16 ans 1 mois - il y a 16 ans 1 mois #34716 par ammo
Réponse de ammo sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
arf!!!Je reve déjà d'un APC40 ...:huh: :huh:
Dernière édition: il y a 16 ans 1 mois par ammo.

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Plus d'informations
il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36149 par lawrencium
Réponse de lawrencium sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
OUT NOW!!!!!

Ableton Live 8 and Ableton Suite 8 are out now. Two new instruments, Collision and Latin Percussion are also available; both are included in Ableton Suite 8.

Live 8 and Suite 8 enhance the Ableton vision of creative, real-time digital music with a wealth of new techniques, effects and most-wanted workflow improvements. These include a new groove engine, revamped warping techniques, live looping, five new effects (including the Ableton Vocoder), crossfades in the Arrangement View, group tracks and a reworked MIDI editor. Ableton Suite 8 includes all that plus a massive, inspired sound library and all the instruments a musician could hope for, including a wide range of synths, a sampler, electric and acoustic drums (new: Latin percussion), mallets (new: Collision), numerous sampled instruments and a new, even mightier Operator.

New in Ableton Live 8:

- New groove engine: new groove library, extract grooves from audio or MIDI, real-time groove quantize. Includes grooves from the legendary Akai MPC and E-mu SP-1200 machines

- New warping engine: warp audio events by adjusting the events on the timeline, updated Beats Warp Mode, new Complex Warp Mode, slice audio files to MIDI tracks based on transients

- Looper: classic sound-on-sound looping without the limitations of a hardware device. Record, overdub, undo and more without touching the computer. "First loop sync," simple loop management

- New effects: Vocoder, Multiband Dynamics, Overdrive, Limiter and Frequency Shifter

- Workflow enhancements: including real-time crossfades in the Arrangement View, enhanced MIDI editing, group tracks, multiple track selection, a screen magnifier and more

New in Ableton Suite 8:

- World-class sound library: completely new sound library with real-world "Sound Objects", presets, grooves, templates and, above all, over 1,600 beautiful sounds

- Collision and Corpus: a unique physical-modeling instrument for authentic mallet sounds and creative percussion. Includes Corpus, a separate effect that reproduces Collision's resonator section*

- Latin Percussion: a collection of acoustic percussion instruments from the worlds of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and African music, plus a wide selection of clips and grooves for authentic usage

- Operator, Ableton's renowned do-it-all synthesizer, has been given a major overhaul. New filter types, more modulation routing options and additive wavetable synthesis with drawable partials make Operator more powerful and flexible than ever.

Plus these existing Ableton instruments: Sampler, Electric, Tension, Analog, Drum Machines, Session Drums** and the Essential Instrument Collection 2**.

*Collision and Latin Percussion are also available separately.
**Boxed version only.


Ableton Live 8 and Suite 8 are available today from your local retailer and at:

Ableton Suite 8
- Boxed version: EUR 699/USD 849 (includes Ableton Live 8, sound library, 10 Ableton instruments including Session Drums and Essential Instrument Collection 2, printed manual)
- Download version: EUR 549/USD 699 (includes Ableton Live 8, sound library, 8 Ableton instruments)

Ableton Live 8
- Boxed version: EUR 449/USD 549 (includes the Essential Instrument Collection 2, printed manual)
- Download version: EUR 349/USD 449

Already a Live user? Upgrades to Suite 8/Live 8 vary in price, depending on the Ableton products you already own. You can get more details and your own personal upgrade price at:

Collision: EUR 129/USD 159

Latin Percussion: EUR 79/USD 99


Try Ableton Live 8 or Ableton Suite 8 for 14 days--all the features, all the sounds, absolutely free. Get the demo and a free 14-day license here:

We wish you all the best with Live 8 and Suite 8,

Claudia Weidner and Graham Ball, Ableton


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il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36150 par lawrencium
Réponse de lawrencium sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
pour ceux comme moi qui sont propriétaire d'une 7, l'upgrade v7 -> v8 vous coutera 149 € en download et 179€ en version "box"

voila tout est dit B)

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il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36155 par PierreHenriHardcore

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il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36158 par lawrencium
Réponse de lawrencium sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
a wai.... donc on va attendre hein :) pas bon, pas BON!!! grrrr

Un breton ne meurt pas. Il se suicide.

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il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36170 par rev11
Réponse de rev11 sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
punaise et dire que j'utilise toujours la version 1 en noir et blanc arf je suis vraiment aps a la page moi

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il y a 15 ans 10 mois #36185 par darkside
Réponse de darkside sur le sujet Re:Ableton 8 !!!!!!!
rev11 écrit:

punaise et dire que j'utilise toujours la version 1 en noir et blanc arf je suis vraiment aps a la page moi

Normal...t'est un vieux con !!!


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